VOGUE- Culture vs Fashion (Book- Dissertation)


Regarding my Honours project, my dissertation was the basis of my Final major project. 


My dissertation clarified the importance of culture in fashion and how the emphasis of white models rules other ethnic races. There are numerous visual and written studies that suggested that 87.6% of all models that walked the New York, London, Milan and Paris were white and the rest were spread out between the races of Black, Asian, Hispanic and Middle Eastern. This study was done by Jenna Sauers, a blogger and a fashion model that worked for the website Jezebel.com whom attends almost all the walkways of the season.

With this fact alone, even though IT IS THE 21ST CENTURY, not a lot of acceptance in the fashion industry has been regarded. On the other hand, there may be several arguments against why the fashion industry isn’t actively diverse but for now, it seems a little unbalanced.

After writing my dissertation, I created a book with which my dissertation is presented but chose to portray it in a magazine style, emphasising the fashion bible type concept.


Above: A little sneak peak of white the inside of the book looks like. 

If enough people are interested I might add snipets every week of the dissertation. Thanks for reading 🙂

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